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Instructor Name

Steve Akoni




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Course Requirements

Must hold a high school diploma 

Must be 18years or older

Must be willing to learn

Course Description

Welcome to the Creative Problem Solving workshop. In the past few decades, psychologists and business people alike have discovered that successful problem solvers tend to use the same type of process to identify and implement the solutions to their problems. This process works for any kind of problem, large or small.

This workshop will give participants an overview of the entire creative problem solving process, as well as key problem solving tools that they can use every day.

Course Outcomes

•  Understand problems and the creative problem solving process

•  Identify types of information to gather and key questions to ask in problem solving

•  Identify the importance of defining a problem correctly

•  Identify and use four different problem definition tools

•  Write concrete problem statements

•  Use basic brainstorming tools to generate ideas for solutions

•  Use idea generating tools, such as affinity diagrams, word chaining, the box method, the six thinking hats, and the blink method

•  Evaluate potential solutions against criteria, including cost/benefit analysis and group voting

•  Perform a final analysis to select a solution

•  Understand the roles that fact and intuition play in selecting a solution

•  Understand the need to refine the shortlist and re-refine it

•  Understand how to identify the tasks and resources necessary to implement solutions

•  Evaluate and adapt solutions to reality

  Follow up with solution implementation to celebrate successes and identify improvements

Course Curriculum

1 Getting Started
9 Min

1 Problem Solving Method
15 Min

1 Information Gathering
20 Min

1 Problem Definition
27 Min

1 Preparing for Brainstorming
22 Min

1 Generating Solutions (I)
16 Min

1 Generating Solutions [II]
22 Min

1 Analyzing Solutions
13 Min

1 Selecting a Solution
11 Min

1 Planning Your Next Steps
11 Min

1 Recording Lessons Learned
8 Min

1 Wrapping Up
3 Min


Steve Akoni

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3 Courses

Steve Akoni is an author and corporate trainer, certified with ICAN/John Maxwell Leadership Africa. He is a leadership enthusiast, with a focus on leadership for associates. He is a faculty member of the Corporate Institutions Training Centre (CITC), a platform on which he trains senior public executives as well as management staff and board members of blue chip companies.


As a management consultant, Steve Akoni managed the satellite platform, Trumpet Internet Television (TITV). He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Administration of Nigeria. He is also a regular radio host and conference speaker. He currently holds Charging Point, every day of the week on the Spirit of Nigeria Radio online as well as Life Radio, 107.5FM, Ibadan.


Steve Akoni is an alumni of the University of Ibadan and was appointed a Research Fellow with the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria. 


Steve Akoni is a member of the executive governing council and Vice-President of the Church Administrators Society of Nigeria (CASON). He currently lectures with the CASON/Babcock University Executive Diploma Course on Church Administration.


Steve Akoni is also a spiritual leader, unusually graced with teaching, leadership and prophetic gifts. He currently pastors First Assembly, a ministry he founded nineteen years ago. He also hosts Prophetic Solutions, a monthly platform for the release of the supernatural and its annual editions called Released. He is married to Araba Akoni, who co-pastors First Assembly with him. They make their home in Lagos, Nigeria with their two children. 

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Creative Problem Solving


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