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Instructor Name

Ola Adejubee




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Course Requirements

Must hold a high school diploma 

Must be 18years or older

Must be willing to learn

Course Description

Welcome to the Leadership and Influence workshop! They say that leaders are born, not made. While it is true that some people are born leaders, some leaders are born in the midst of adversity. Often, simple people who have never had a leadership role will stand up and take the lead when a situation they care about requires it.

A simple example is parenting. When a child arrives, many parents discover leadership abilities they never knew existed in order to guide and protect their offspring. There are countless war stories of simple GI’s and sailors who rose to a challenge on their own in the heat of battle.

Clearly, leadership potential exists within each of us. That potential can be triggered by outside events, or it can be learned by exploring ourselves from within. This training takes the latter approach. Once you learn the techniques of true leadership, you will be able to build the confidence it takes to take the lead. The more experience you have acting as a genuine leader, the easier it will be for you. It is never easy to take the lead, as you will need to make decisions and face challenges, but it can become natural and rewarding.

Influence is subtle, yet incredibly powerful. You can order someone to do a task, but you cannot order them to do their best. It simply does not work and usually has the opposite effect. You can influence people to do their best by providing a strong, motivating example in addition to positive reinforcement. Leadership addresses tasks, while influence addresses attitudes and awareness. Influence is the soul of leadership.

This course touches on the definition of leadership, situational leadership, the abilities that can influence followers, how to become an inspirational model, how to inspire a shared vision, innovation and improvement, encouraging growth and creating respect, basic influencing skills, setting goals

Course Outcomes

1.   Define “leadership”

2.   Explain the Great Man Theory

3.   Explain the Trait Theory

4.   Understand Transformational Leadership

5.   Understand the people you lead and how to adapt your leadership styles

6.   Explain leading by Directing

7.   Explain leading by Coaching

8.   Explain leading by Participating

9.   Explain leading by Delegating

10. Kouzes and Posner

11. Conduct a personal inventory

12. Create an action plan

13. Establish personal goals

Course Curriculum

1 Getting Started
2 Min

1 The Evolution of Leadership
14 Min

2 LIQUIZ 1 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Situational Leadership
10 Min

2 LI QUIZ 2 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 A Personal Inventory
14 Min

2 LI QUIZ 3 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Modeling the Way
13 Min

2 LI QUIZ 4 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Barriers to Servant Leadership
12 Min

2 LI QUIZ 5 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Building a Team Community
11 Min

2 LI QUIZ 6 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Be a Motivator
14 Min

2 LI QUIZ 7 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Be a Mentor
13 Min

2 LI QUIZ 8 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Training Future Leaders
12 Min

2 LI QUIZ 9 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Self-Reflection
13 Min

2 LI QUIZ 10 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Wrapping Up
2 Min


Ola Adejubee

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0 Students
3 Courses

Ola Adejubee an alumnus of University of Lagos, University of Jos, and the West African Theological Seminary (WATS) where he obtained post graduate degrees in Organizational Psychology and Christian Leadership respectively. A motivator and inspiring leader of leaders whose influence spans both print and electronic media, Ola Adejubee, leads at the level of a Pastor in charge Region in RCCG with hundreds of leaders who are regularly inspired and mentored for peak performance.

v    Certified leadership expert with John Maxwell Team, and Centre for Management Development.

v        Certified Management consultant.

v   Certified Organizational Psychologist, with specific specialization in Training and Development.

v    Special Assistant to Continental Overseer (Training and Development) in RCCG (A Global Church organization).

v      A former State Chairman of Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria.

v    An author of fifteen best-selling titles, including " 21 Leadership Secrets of Pastor E.A. Adeboye"

v A member of Center for Pastoral Leadership of the RCCG – Responsible for leadership Training at the highest level in RCCG International Headquarters

v    A fellow of Institute of Leadership and Supervision Nigeria.

He is a compelling and distinguished mentor to many leaders across the world.

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Leadership and Influence


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