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Instructor Name

Seyi Oladimeji


Human Resource Development


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Course Requirements

Must hold a high school diploma 

Must be 18years or older

Must be willing to learn

Course Description

A distracted employee is a less effective employee. Employees who do not pay attention can waste valuable time and make careless mistakes. 

Attention Management is a useful skill that allows managers to connect with their employees on an emotional level and motivate them to focus on their work. 

This course is designed to help employees to be more efficient at their job, make fewer mistakes, and be more productive overall. It will help them reach their personal and in turn company goals. Also, they will gain valuable insight and strategies into what it takes to be more attentive and vigilant.

Course Outcomes

1.   Define and under­stand atten­tion management
2.   Iden­tify dif­fer­ent types of attention
3.   Cre­ate strate­gies for goals and SMART goals
4.   Be famil­iar with meth­ods that focus attention
5.   Put an end to procrastination
6.   Learn how to pri­or­i­tize time.

Course Curriculum

1 Getting Started
2 Min

1 Introduction to Attention Management
23 Min

2 ATM Quiz 1 [Quiz]

1 Types of Attention
19 Min

2 ATM QUIZ 2 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Strategies for Goal Setting
16 Min

2 ATM QUIZ 3 [Quiz]
Start 6 Min

1 Meditation
12 Min

2 ATM QUIZ 4 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Training Your Attention
19 Min

2 ATM QUIZ 5 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Attention Zones Model
20 Min

2 ATM QUIZ 6 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 SMART Goals
18 Min

2 ATM QUIZ 7 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Keeping Yourself Focused
9 Min

2 ATM QUIZ 8 [Quiz]
Start 6 Min

1 Procrastination
15 Min

2 ATM QUIZ 9 [Quiz]
Start 6 Min

1 Prioritizing Your Time
18 Min

2 ATM QUIZ 10 [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

1 Wrapping Up
1 Min


Seyi Oladimeji

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0 Students
4 Courses

For over 25 years, Seyi Oladimeji has earned his expertise in organizational development, project management, strategic leadership, negotiation and conflict management.

As CEO of CMC Management Consult Limited, he leads a dynamic team of professionals that execute various organizational development projects for both profit and nonprofit organizations within and outside Nigeria. As a John Maxwell Certified Leadership Coach, he provides coaching and training for business administrators, leaders and executives across various industries and sectors.

Seyi is a Fellow Chartered Institute of Administration (FCIA), Member Nigerian Institute of Management (MNIM). He holds an MBA in Human Resources Management and sits on the board of many organizations including CASON, Rescue Educational Foundation just to name a few. He is a faculty board member of the renowned Daystar Leadership Academy, and the Executive Diploma Programme of Babcock University.

Seyi is a sought-after conference speaker and trainer with a niche in excellent organizational skills, and he speaks to over 1000 leaders and executive annually. His personal mantra is 'order makes for increase'


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Attention Management


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