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Instructor Name

Segun Adegoke


Non Profit Organization


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Course Requirements

Must hold a high school diploma 

Must be 18years or older

Must be willing to learn

Course Description

From before we start our first job, we often dreamt about what career we wanted to have when we grew up.  Soon we start the journey to find the job we want to have and discover ways to make it happen.  But that’s only half the battle.  Once you’ve landed the job you want, you have to know ways to not only stay in your job field, but also excel in it.

This course was designed to help you learn what initiative is, how to take it on, the advantages of it, and when to know one’s place. 

Course Outcomes

At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

Identify what initiative looks like
Recognize when you can take steps outside the normal
Build confidence for themselves
Learn to find opportunities
Learn good and bad aspects of initiative
Balance initiative and restraint

Course Curriculum

1 Getting Started
2 Min

1 What is Initiative?
10 Min

1 Take a Chance
15 Min

1 Recognize When You Can Step In
19 Min

1 Recognize When You Can Go Outside the Normal
19 Min

1 Weighing the Consequences
21 Min

1 Good or Bad
20 Min

1 Maintaining Job Performance
13 Min

1 Find Opportunities
17 Min

1 Be Persistent
12 Min

1 Balance Initiative and Restraint
12 Min

1 Wrapping Up
3 Min


Segun Adegoke

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0 Students
3 Courses

Segun Adegoke is an organizational growth strategist, management consultant and certified leadership trainer. He has over a decade experience in training and consulting, and currently the Lead Consultant at Seventh Sense Solutions, a people management and leadership development consulting firm based in Lagos.

With over two decades experience working with organizations across various industries, Segun has led various teams in developing growth strategies and training solutions for both profit and nonprofit organizations including Veritas Registrars (former Zenith Registrars), Nigeria Port Authority, Real Woman Foundation, The Anglican Communion, Dominion City International etc.

He is a Fellow Chartered Institute of Administration (FCIA), a member Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM), International Coaching Federation (ICF), and Project Management Institute (PMI). He is passionate about people management, leadership development, and organizational growth, and has expertise in strategic planning, business intelligence and human capital development.

Segun speaks to executives, leaders, staff and workers at conferences, seminars and training as well as provides coaching for leaders and executives.

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Taking Initiative


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